
IMF refuses Venezuela emergency coronavirus loan over refusal to back Maduro as President

THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has rejected Venezuela’s request for a $5 billion (£4.24bn) emergency-support package to help strengthen the country’s health system in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak. President Nicolas Maduro wrote to the global financial organisation earlier this week asking for support as the country struggles to cope with crippling US economic …

IMF refuses Venezuela emergency coronavirus loan over refusal to back Maduro as PresidentRead More »

Venezuela Remembers: 1 Year Since Assassination Attempt on President Maduro

President Nicolas Maduro remembered the fateful day and said that “like a phoenix,” the Venezuelan people resurfaced to proudly stand today. As Venezuelans commemorate the 82nd anniversary of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, Aug. 4 also marks a critical day in the country’s recent history. One year ago, in a speech during the 81st anniversary, President Nicolas …

Venezuela Remembers: 1 Year Since Assassination Attempt on President MaduroRead More »

Non-Aligned Movement Condemns US Sanctions Against Venezuela

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) condemned US-led sanctions and called for the construction of a multipolar world after a summit held in Caracas. The weekend ministerial meeting brought together 120 member nations as well as seven observer countries, ten multilateral international organisations including the United Nations (UN), and fourteen specially invited nations. Speaking at the opening …

Non-Aligned Movement Condemns US Sanctions Against VenezuelaRead More »

Venezuela Government response to report by Michelle Bachelet on situation in Venezuela

The Venezuelan Government has made an official response to the report by Michelle Bachelet to the United Nations Human Rights Council. A translated version of this document can be viewed and shared here: COMMENTS ON FACTUAL ERRORS IN THE REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ON THE HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN …

Venezuela Government response to report by Michelle Bachelet on situation in VenezuelaRead More »

US Military Attack On Venezuela Mulled By Top Trump Advisors & Latin American Officials At Private DC Meeting

By Max Blumenthal, The Washington, DC-based think tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) hosted a private roundtable on April 10 called “Assessing the Use of Military Force in Venezuela.” A list of attendees was provided to The Grayzone and two participants confirmed the meeting took place. They refused to offer any further …

US Military Attack On Venezuela Mulled By Top Trump Advisors & Latin American Officials At Private DC MeetingRead More »

Scottish trade unionists reject regime change in Venezuela

The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC), representing over 540,000 trade unionists in Scotland, has reaffirmed its support for the Bolivarian Revolution in the face of aggressive US-led efforts at regime change in Venezuela. An emergency motion proposed by Unison Scotland and seconded by RMT Scotland was carried unanimously at the STUC 122nd Annual Congress in …

Scottish trade unionists reject regime change in VenezuelaRead More »

PRESS RELEASE: Protesters demand Bank of England returns Venezuela’s gold

PRESS RELEASE: Protesters demand Bank of England returns Venezuela’s gold PRESS RELEASE – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE VENEZUELA SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN FEBRUARY 7 2019 Opponents of Donald Trump’s war drive against Venezuela held a picket Thursday demanding that the Bank of England gives Venezuela back its gold. Over 150 protestors were drawing attention to the fact that …

PRESS RELEASE: Protesters demand Bank of England returns Venezuela’s goldRead More »

Global Trade Union condemns US-Led ‘recognition’ of Guaido as Venezuela President

Global Trade Union condemns US-Led ‘recognition’ of Guaido as Venezuela President Workers Uniting joins the democratic trade unions of the Western Hemisphere, represented in the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas, in condemning the US-led recognition of an unelected opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, as president of Venezuela. Workers Uniting also condemns the actions of the …

Global Trade Union condemns US-Led ‘recognition’ of Guaido as Venezuela PresidentRead More »