
End British Theft of Venezuela’s Gold!

Online event. 20 January 2022 hosted by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign and supported by the Morning Star and Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America. Luke Daniels (Venezuela Solidarity Campaign Executive Committee member and also President of Caribbean Labour Solidarity) introduced the meeting which focused on the latest situation with regards to the UK withholding Venezuela’s …

End British Theft of Venezuela’s Gold!Read More »


VSC congratulates Venezuela on the successful completion of its regional and elections on November 21.  Venezuelans voted on Sunday to choose representatives for 3,082 elected positions: state governors, mayors, regional legislators and local councillors. Over 70,000 candidates from 111 political parties took part, illustrating how extensive the competition was for each post. The entire electoral …


President Maduro Denounces US Funding To Venezuelan Opposition

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro Sunday denounced Washington is handing over Venezuelan money frozen in U.S. federal reserves and banks worldwide to opposition leader Juan Guaido. “The White House has no limits. It is usurping and giving away our resources to these gangsters,” Maduro warned and informed that President Joe Biden’s administration will deliver Guaido over …

President Maduro Denounces US Funding To Venezuelan OppositionRead More »

Venezuela Blasts Vaccine Inequality, IMF for Denying Covid-19 Funds

By Andreína Chávez Alava for Venezuelanalysis Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez condemned the globalinequality in access to vaccines and called for “no injustices in thisbattle against Covid-19.” Participating in the 27th Ibero-American Summit held in Andorra on Wednesday, Rodríguez pointed out that the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of the consequences of unequal distribution …

Venezuela Blasts Vaccine Inequality, IMF for Denying Covid-19 FundsRead More »

When Hugo Chavez and the people of Venezuela beat the US empire

April 11 marks the anniversary of 2002 coup in Venezuela, writes KEN LIVINGSTONE NINETEEN years ago in Venezuela a right-wing military coup briefly unseated its elected President Hugo Chavez before loyal armed forces units and a popular mobilisation of Caracas’s barrios turned the tables and restored Chavez to the presidency. The coup was mounted by …

When Hugo Chavez and the people of Venezuela beat the US empireRead More »

Venezuela Protests Biden’s Extension of Executive Order 13692

Venezuela has “categorically rejected” US President Joe Biden’s renewal of Executive Order 13692. The renewal extends a state of national emergency which has been the basis for Washington’s sanctions regime against Venezuela. The decree states that Venezuela represents an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the [US] national security and foreign policy.” The order has been …

Venezuela Protests Biden’s Extension of Executive Order 13692Read More »

Report: “Trump has gone – time to end US sanctions on Cuba, Nicaragua & Venezuela”

By Tim Young, Venezuela Solidarity Campaign. Saturday February 13 saw hundreds of British labour movement and solidarity activists attend an event hosted by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group and Venezuela Solidarity Campaign. The event was chaired by Christine Blower, Labour member of the House of Lords and former General Secretary of …

Report: “Trump has gone – time to end US sanctions on Cuba, Nicaragua & Venezuela”Read More »

Free Elections In Venezuela Are A Blow To Regime Change

By Leonardo Flores, CODEPINK, for Popular Resistance. Venezuela held legislative elections on December 6 and, as has become the norm, the U.S. and sectors of the opposition that boycotted the election are claiming fraud without presenting evidence. The coalition of parties supporting President Maduro won 68% of the vote and a supermajority in the National …

Free Elections In Venezuela Are A Blow To Regime ChangeRead More »