EVENT: No more Pinochets in Latin America, Stand with social progress & democracy

No more Pinochets in Latin America – Stand with social progress, democracy & regional integration. With…

  • Guillaume Long, former foreign Minister, Ecuador on the importance of new ‘pink tide’ in Latin America, ending US domination of the region and resisting right-wing reaction.
  • Nathalia Urban, Brasil Wire, on Lula’s & the peoples’ historic victory over the far-right and the challenges ahead
  • Claudia-Turbet Delof, Wiphalas Across the World, on how Bolivia shows it’s possible to put people and planet before private profit.
  • Dave McKnight, UNISON NW region, on the need to campaign against blockades and illegal sanctions including on Cuba, Nicaragua & Venezuela.
  • Chair: Gawain Little, General Secretary, General Federation of Trade Unions.

Free event but solidarity tickets & donations essential for funding Webinar & streaming.


Hosted by Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America as part of Arise – An Online Festival of Left Ideas 2023. Tickets and further info here.

You can view all Arise Festival 2023 sessions here.